Willner Summer Sale 2017 - page 30

Page 30
The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Summer 2017
Since 1911
Willner Chemists: The Nutritional Supplement Professionals
41933 ROCK WATER 20 ML 20 LIQ 19.99 15.99
43040 SCLERANTHUS 20ML 20M LIQ 19.99 15.99
42587 STAR OF BETHLEHEM 20 LIQ 19.99 15.99
42073 SWEET CHESTNUT 20 ML 20 LIQ 19.99 15.99
17212 VERVAIN 20ML 20M LIQ 19.99 15.99
42074 WALNUT 20 ML 20 LIQ 19.99 15.99
41780 WATER VIOLET 20ML 20 LIQ 19.99 15.99
41882 WHITE CHESTNUT 20ML 20 LIQ 19.99 15.99
42339 WILD OAT 20 ML 20 LIQ 19.99 15.99
17224 WILD ROSE 20ML 20 LIQ 19.99 15.99
17227 WILLOW 20ML 20 LIQ 19.99 15.99
45627 BREVAIL 30 CAP 21.63 17.3
42701 E P O 1300 MG 120 SGC 35.67 28.53
33851 ESSENTIAL WOMAN 1000 120 CAP 32.42 25.93
67547 EYE REMEDY TANG SWIRL B 16Z LIQ 35.08 28.1
61051 FISH OIL ORANGE FLAVOR 250 SGC 28.08 22.46
51567 FLAX OIL 16Z LIQ 22.18 17.74
51566 FLAX OIL 12Z LIQ 17.27 13.81
33524 FLAX OIL CAP 1000 MG 100 CAP 13.25 10.6
34447 FLAX OIL CAP 1000 MG 250 CAP 31.73 25.38
67350 FLAX OIL GUMMIES ORANG 90 CHW 21.67 17.33
30470 FLAXSEED OIL HIGH LIGN 12Z LIQ 17.85 14.28
35862 FLAXSEED OIL HIGH LIGN 16Z LIQ 22.68 18.14
30467 FLAXSEED OIL HIGH LIGN 32Z LIQ 43.25 34.6
37657 FLAXSEED OIL LIGNAN 100 SGC 13.92 11.13
37658 FLAXSEED OIL LIGNAN 250 SGC 32.25 25.8
43829 FORTI FLAX 16Z PWD 8.42 6.73
34552 GREENS 9.3 OZ ORGANIC 8.4 PWD 42.58 34.06
61327 OLIVE LEAF COMP NATURL 16Z LIQ 37.33 29.86
65970 OLIVE LEAF COMPLEX 60 SGC 25.7 20.56
58908 OMEGA MAN 120 SGC 32.25 25.8
66636 OMEGA SWIRLS PINA COLA 16Z LIQ 29.37 23.49
64055 OMEGA TWIN 1000 MG 60 SGC 17.25 13.8
34062 OMEGA TWIN FLAX BOR LG 12Z LIQ 31.2 24.96
64026 TOTAL OMEGA SGC 90 SGC 26.68 21.34
58462 ADRISIN ALLERGY RELIEF 100 TAB 12.59 11.33
15088 ALLERGY 100 TAB 11.99 10.79
15142 ALLERGY REL CLEARLIFE 20M SPY 12.59 11.33
64721 ARNICA PLUS 100 TAB 14.99 13.49
15089 ARTHRITIS 100 TAB 11.99 10.79
15091 BACK 100 TAB 11.99 10.79
15096 CALMING 100 TAB 11.99 10.79
15100 COLD 100 TAB 11.99 10.79
63611 COLD FLU RELIEF REBOST 100 TAB 12.59 11.33
15101 CONSTIPATION 100 TAB 14.49 13.04
15102 COUGH 100 TAB 11.99 10.79
35138 COUGH RELIEF REBOOST 4.2 SRP 12.59 11.33
20536 DECONGEST NASAL SPRAY 20 SPY 12.59 11.33
15103 DIARRHEA 100 TAB 11.99 10.79
15111 FLU PLUS 100 TAB 11.99 10.79
15116 HEMORRHOID 100 TAB 11.99 10.79
15115 MIGRAINE (HEADACHE II) 100 TAB 11.99 10.79
15094 MUCUS RELIEF BRONCHIT 100 TAB 11.99 10.79
15128 NAUSEA 100 TAB 11.99 10.79
15158 REBOOST IMMUNE ENGYSTL 100 TAB 11.99 10.79
15134 SINUS 100 TAB 11.99 10.79
15135 SKIN 100 TAB 11.99 10.79
15137 SPASM-PAIN 100 TAB 11.99 10.79
15177 T RELIEF (TRAUMEEL) 100 TAB 12.59 11.33
20439 T RELIEF (TRAUML OINT) 50G ONT 12.59 11.33
65627 T RELIEF ARTHRITS OINT 50 ONT 12.59 11.33
20531 T RELIEF ORAL DROPS 50 LIQ 12.59 11.33
20537 T RELIEF TRAUMEEL OINT 100 ONT 24.19 21.77
15179 T RELIF ARTHRIT (ZEEL) 100 TAB 12.59 11.33
53119 THROAT RELIEF REBOOST 20M SPY 12.59 11.33
41589 TRAUMEEL GEL 50G GEL 12.59 11.33
67557 TRAUMEEL TAB RX 90 TAB 30 27
31379 URI CONTROL RX 100 TAB 22.99 20.69
15152 WELLMIND MENTAL FOCUS 100 TAB 12.59 11.33
53402 WELLMIND TENSION REL BH 100 TAB 12.59 11.33
66790 WELLMIND VERTIGO RX ON 100 TAB 28.49 25.64
44852 ARTHOGENX 150 CAP 43.59 33.83
44523 BIO ADAPTOGEN 60 VCA 38.79 34.91
44039 BIO INFLAMMATORY 150 CAP 42.29 38.06
43204 INTESTINAL REPAIR CAP 120 VCA 49.19 39.35
43203 INTESTINAL REPAIR PWD 160 PWD 48.39 38.71
44569 PHYTO IMMUNE 60 CAP 30.99 24.79
60093 SLEEP FACTORS 60 VCA 40.99 32.79
62809 ULTRAGENESIS W/ O IRON 180 CAP 43.99 35.19
52092 UTI MAX 60 VCA 33.29 29.61
60940 BIO K + FERMENTED RICE 6PK LIQ 31.95 28.76
50585 BIO K PLUS CL1285 D/F 6PK LIQ 29.59 26.64
50583 BIO K PLUS CL1285 ORIG 6PK LIQ 29.59 26.64
67562 BIO KIDZ STRAWBERRY 6PK LIQ 19.99 17.99
67563 BIO KIDZ VANILLA 6PK LIQ 19.99 17.99
60837 BIO-K CAP 25 BILLION 15 CAP 26.95 24.25
55900 BIO-K PLUS BKP/6 6PK LIQ 29.59 26.64
62775 GARCINIA CAMBOGIA 500 60 VCA 15.99 12.79
67396 GARCINIA CAMBOGIA LIQ 4 Z LIQ 19.99 15.99
61969 MORINGA 5000 MG SUPER 60 VCA 19.99 15.99
65361 MORINGA LEAF PWD ORGNI 300 PWD 19.99 15.99
61970 TESTOSTERONE WELLNESS 60 TAB 27.99 22.39
66765 B2 400 MG 100 CAP 26 23.4
51102 B6 FOLIC ACID B12 METH 100 CAP 23 20.7
52112 CARNITINE 400 MG 100 CAP 64 57.6
14778 CESIUM 500 100 CAP 68 61.2
58713 CRM CHROM POLINICOT 100 CAP 13.6 12.24
51254 D 3 50 100 CAP 30 27
44893 D MANNOSE CAP 100 CAP 35 31.5
36251 D MANNOSE PWD 100 GRAM 100 PWD 50 45
35590 D MANNOSE PWD 50 GRAMS 50 PWD 32 28.8
58573 D3 1000 IU 250 CAP 14.5 13.05
59990 D3 5 5000 IU 250 CAP 15.7 14.13
51183 D3 50 12 CAP 18 16.2
54671 DHEA 5 MG 100 CAP 10 8
42223 FOLIC ACID 20 MG 100 CAP 14 12.6
55858 FOLIC ACID 5 MG 100 CAP 12 10.8
14729 LACTO PECTIN 100 CAP 19.7 17.73
53062 ADAPTAGEN 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
44914 ADRENOPLEX 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
43977 ALLERGEN II 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
42313 AMOEBATOX 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
44484 BAC HP 1 Z LIQ 20.12 18.11
43824 BIO METABOLIC BALANCER 120 CAP 29.6 26.74
58944 BIO RES Q 1 Z LIQ 15.25 13.73
67332 BLOOD ROOT 1 Z LIQ 23.4 21.06
66387 BONE DEVELOPER CAP 60 CAP 24.99 22.49
44971 BONE REPAIR-HP 1 Z LIQ 20.12 18.11
53359 BRONCHI HP 1 Z LIQ 20.12 18.11
52121 BRONCHIFORCE 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
64738 CANDIDA COMBO 1 Z LIQ 17.2 15.48
52119 CARDIOTONE 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
51127 CHEM TOX 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
52142 COLTOX 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
52120 CRATAGOPLEX I 1 Z LIQ 19.7 17.73
50014 DRAINAGE 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
54754 ECZEMA HP 1 Z LIQ 20.12 18.11
51979 ENDOCRINE BALANCER 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
66888 HEADACHE 1 Z LIQ 17.2 15.48
44976 HEPATAFORCE 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
43288 HEPATATOX 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
44254 HYDRANGEAPLEX 1 Z LIQ 18.25 16.43
62582 HYDRANGEAPLEX 2 Z LIQ 23.9 21.51
43571 INFLAMATION II 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
43961 INFLAMMATION I 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
63142 INFLUFORCE 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
45355 INJURY 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
50321 KELPLEX 1 Z LIQ 18.25 16.43
45598 KIDNEY TONIC 1 2 Z LIQ 21.9 19.71
51364 KIDNEY TONIC II 2 Z LIQ 21.9 19.71
51365 LIVER TONIC I 2 Z LIQ 21.9 19.71
43920 LYMPH I 2 Z LIQ 21.9 19.71
43570 LYMPH II 2 Z LIQ 21.9 19.71
42461 LYMPH III 2 Z LIQ 21.9 19.71
50408 MENTOX HP 1 Z LIQ 20.12 18.11
67177 MOLD MIX 1 Z LIQ 19 17.1
44855 NEUROTOX 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
44540 OCCULOPLEX G 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
44165 OCCULOPLEX I 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
50140 OSTEOFORCE 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
62253 PARA THYROPLEX 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
56650 PNEUMOTOX 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
44980 PRE/POST SURGERY 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
54201 RADIATION 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
51716 RENA FORCE 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
45201 RENOTOX 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
51965 SCIATICA HP 1 Z LIQ 20.12 18.11
51022 SOLIPLEX 1 Z LIQ 18.25 16.43
51731 SOMINEZE 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
53168 STOMAPLEX 1 Z LIQ 14.4 12.96
44542 THYROPLEX 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
52976 UNIVERALTOX 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
43902 VERMEX 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
43289 VIROTOX 1 Z LIQ 16.25 14.63
26418 ALLERGY POLLINOSAN 120 TAB 19.99 15.99
26419 ALLERGY POLLINOSAN 1.7 LIQ 19.99 15.99
36448 BRONCHOSAN 1.7ML 1.7 LIQ 22.99 18.39
15443 CAL ABSORP URTICALCIN 400 TAB 19.99 15.99
15248 ECHINAFORCE 100ML 100 LIQ 37.99 30.39
32939 LIVER GALLBLADDER 1.7 LIQ 22.99 18.39
23556 MOLKOSAN 500ML 500 LIQ 34.99 27.99
33472 PROSTASAN 30 CAP 39.99 31.99
51074 SECURE DENTURE CRM 1.4 CRM 9.99 7.99
63485 SECURE SENSITIVE DENT 1.4 GEL 11.69 9.35
26042 SINUS RELIEF SINUSAN 120 TAB 19.99 15.99
34626 VENAFORCE GEL 3.5 GEL 29.99 23.99
51224 BETA GLUCAN SYNBIOTIC 300 PWD 92.34 92.34
51479 BLUEBERRY EXT 500 FD 60 VCA 137.94 137.94
67224 CHLORELLA ORGANIC TAB B 120 TAB 35.94 35.94
58330 CRUCIFEROUS SPROUT CAP 120 CAP 58.74 58.74
51481 FRUCTO BORATE COMPLEX 60 VCA 37.58 37.58
51478 GARLIC FREEZ DRIED 400 90 VCA 35.94 35.94
51480 HIGH ORAC SYNBIOTIC 60 VCA 71.4 71.4
65752 LACTORN 3.7 PWD 77.2 77.2
52070 ORIGINAL SYNBIOTIC PWD 120 PWD 32.7 32.7
Product Reference Guide: Company Listings
(Product Code, Name, Size, List, Discount Price)
Burdock Root
Burdock root is a gentle liver and blood cleanser,
especially useful for toxic skin disorders. Recent
evidence supports its historic role in treating
diabetes. It is an ingredient in various popular
cancer remedies.
1 fl oz - Product Code: 57061
Who would benefit from this product?
• Those with skin conditions such as eczema, acne, and
psoriasis. Historically, Burdock has been used to treat
diabetes, and it is a common ingredient of several popular
cancer remedies
(EssiacR and HoxseyR)
. Burdock Root has
been widely recommended to diabetic patients by
healthcare professionals.
Burdock Root is considered safe. In Japan, burdock is
considered a “vegetable,” and consumed as such.
30-60 drops 2-3 times per day or as needed in juice or water.
Phyto-Tech™ Burdock Root contains 667 mg certified organic
burdock root per 30 drops.
California Poppy 1:3
California poppy has been used as a sedative to
relieve insomnia and nervousness.
1 fl oz - Product Code: 57643
In an article by Abascal K, Yarnell E.,
Nervine herbs for
treating anxiety (Altern Compliment Ther. 2004
, the authors discussed California poppy.
They first pointed out that “anxiety disorders are common in
many Western countries, and conventional drugs like
benzodiazepines are often prescribed to relieve anxiety.
However, these drugs have worrisome short-term and long-
term side effects. Nervine herbs (herbs that quiet nervous
excitement) have a long history of traditional use in relieving
anxiety, insomnia, and mild depression. With the exception
of St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum), kava (Piper
methysticum), and valerian (Valeriana officinalis), there is little
published research on the safety and efficacy of nervine
herbs. The purpose of this article was to review the available
research and explain how the lesser-known nervine herbs are
commonly used in practice.” One of those “lesser-known
nervine herbs” was California poppy. They made the
following observation: “California poppy (Eschscholzia
californica) is used for its mild analgesic and calming effects.
Unlike the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum), it has no
narcotic effects. Animal studies indicate California poppy tea
reduces anxiety, acts as a mild analgesic, and helps prevent
drug-induced memory loss. Most herbal practitioners
combine lower doses of California poppy with other nervines
to relieve anxiety. Researchers studied a combination of
California poppy, hawthorn flower (Crataegus laevigata), and
magnesium in 264 people with mild to moderate anxiety.
Those taking the herb mixture had significantly improved
anxiety symptoms after three months compared to those
taking placebo. Hawthorn is primarily used for heart
conditions and is not usually considered a nervine. However,
it may help alleviate anxiety symptoms such as heart
palpitations and increased blood pressure. “
Calming Complex
This supplement, “designed for children”, exerts a
sedative and calming action appropriate for
daytime use. It can also be used at night to help
induce sleep.
1 fl oz - Product Code: 56996
Who would benefit from this supplement?
• Children who are hyperactive, anxious, obsessive
compulsive, ADHD or insomnia.
Phyto-Tech™ Child Friendly Calming Complex contains the
following herbs: Chamomile Flower, Valerian Root, Hops
Strobiles, Lobelia Herb, Vegetable Glycerin, Pure Dionized
Phyto-Tech™ Child Friendly Calming Complex can be used
during the day to help calm down an excitable child. It can
be used as a daily tonic or on an as needed basis. It can also
be used at night (10-30 minutes before bed time) to help
bring on sleep. Typically, it will not make a child sleepy when
used in the daytime. It is a strong yet gentle central nervous
system and adrenaline calmer. It will help slow down a
hyperactive child to increase focus in the day. It can also be
used for situations that create anxiety and stress, ranging from
airline flights and car trips to difficult family situations to
performance anxiety. Phyto-Tech™ Child Friendly Calming
Complex will also function as a mild analgesic, and take the
edge off muscle pain and tension. It will help spasms,
cramping, colic pain and gas pain.
Dosage (by Weight):
10-30 lb. Use 10-20 drops; 31-60 lb. Use 20-40 drops; 61-
100 lb. Use 40-60 drops; Over 100 lb. Use 60-90 drops.
Administer 2-3 times per day or as needed in juice or water.
Direct dosing in the mouth is OK.
Cautions: If a child is taking a prescription sedative, consult
with the doctor, and take lower herbal doses.
Candida Complex
An Alterative Formula, with Anti-Fungal and
Anti-Infective Properties. Clinically developed
specifically for those with chronic candida and
yeast infections.
1 fl oz - Product Code: 57730
Please Note: Chronic Candidiasis is not commonly recognized
. . . continued on page 32
Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment
that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem, you should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease.
Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements
1...,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29 31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,...116
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