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The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Winter, 2015
since 1911
• Willner Chemists •
the nutritional supplement professionals
Amazing Grass
In this study, 13 male smokers took 200 mg
per day of a powerful antioxidant from grape
seeds called procyanidins. After eight weeks,
doctors found that the grape seed extract
activated 864 genes that helped keep
immune cells from sticking to blood vessel
Discussing their findings, doctors said tak-
ing grape seed procyanidins could decrease
immune cell penetration of blood vessel
walls and help protect against hardening of
the arteries.
Reference: PLOS ONE; April, 2014, Published
(*note: You will notice that there are two
reports on Grape Seed Extract in this extend-
ed section on heart health. Recognition of this
phytonutrient is growing steadily, and this is
why we increased the amount in the new,
revised Willvite formula to a full 25mg.)
Combat Stress and Improve
Your Health
This article provided by Nutritional Frontiers
It’s a well-established fact that stress is
detrimental to health, yet its effect is even
more profound than most people realize.
Recent research consistently indicates that
chronic stress can actually accelerate aging to
a very significant degree by directly affecting
our telomeres.
Telomeres are structures that provide stabil-
ity and protection to our chromosomes.
They are located on the ends of chromo-
somes, similar to the plastic tips that protect
the ends of shoelaces. Telomerase is the
enzyme that maintains telomeres. With each
cell division, telomeres become shorter, until
this attrition eventually reaches a point where
the cell can no longer function. Telomere
length and telomerase activity are determi-
nants of cellular aging and, thus, lifespan.
Compared to people with low stress levels,
those with high levels of perceived stress
have telomeres that are shorter by an
amount equivalent to an entire decade of
additional aging. Therefore, not only does
stress affect quality of life, but life expectancy
as well. Failure to address chronic stress can
literally take years off your life. Let’s discuss
some inexpensive, readily available sub-
stances which can alleviate the physical and
emotional burden of a stressful lifestyle by
addressing anxiety, sleep problems, adrenal
function, cognition, and elevated levels of
the stress hormone, cortisol.
Phenibut (4-amino-3-phenylbutyric acid) is
a relatively new supplement to the United
States, but has been studied and widely used
in Russia for about 50 years. It mimics the
calming effects of the neurochemical gamma-
aminobutyric acid (GABA), by attaching to
GABA receptors in the brain. Unlike GABA,
which is poorly absorbed in supplemental
form, Phenibut is readily absorbed and cross-
es the blood-brain barrier easily. In addition
to stress, anxiety, and sleeping difficulties,
Phenibut is also used to improve memory,
cognition, and learning ability. It should be
noted that, in order to optimize the effective-
ness of Phenibut, abstention from its use for
at least two days per week is recommended
in order to prevent development of a toler-
Pyridoxal-5-phosphate (P-5-P) is the most
active form of vitamin B6. Unlike other
forms of B6, it does not require conversion
by the liver, so even people with hepatic dis-
ease can easily metabolize this nutrient. P-5-
P is needed for the synthesis of all brain neu-
rotransmitters. Quite a number of substances
can deplete P-5-P levels, such as monosodi-
um glutamate (MSG), oral contraceptives,
many prescription medications, alcohol,
excessive protein intake, and artificial color-
Pantothenic acid, also known as vitamin
B5, is needed to produce compounds that
play vital roles in energy metabolism. It is
also required for the synthesis of adrenal hor-
mones and the neurotransmitter, acetyl-
choline. Pantothenic acid is frequently
referred to as the anti-stress vitamin.
The amino acids glycine and taurine have a
calming effect on neurons, and seem to have
a synergistic effect with regard to stress
reduction and adrenal protection. Glycine
receptors are located throughout the central
nervous system, spinal cord, and brain,
where this nutrient functions as a major
inhibitory neurotransmitter; in other words, it
calms stress, thereby supporting adrenal
gland function. Taurine stabilizes delicate
membranes in the brain and, like glycine,
acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter. It also
suppresses the release of excitatory neuro-
transmitters in the brain and adrenaline from
the adrenal glands. Additionally, taurine
helps negate the effect of the blood pressure-
increasing protein, angiotensin.
In the United States obesity has become a
widespread problem that only seems to be
getting worse. By reducing levels of the
stress hormone, cortisol, and alleviating the
tendency toward emotional eating, the afore-
mentioned supplements can serve as valu-
able tools for those seeking to slim down.
Aside from their anti-stress aspects, these
substances support weight loss in other ways.
For instance, caloric restriction causes levels
of the neurotransmitter serotonin to plum-
met. The brain interprets low levels of sero-
tonin as starvation, and stimulates the
appetite, especially with regard to carbohy-
drate cravings. Providing the body with P-5-
P can stimulate serotonin production. Also,
during dieting, glycine can help build glyco-
gen levels in the liver, which serves as a
source of energy for the body.
If you are trapped in a stressful lifestyle, it is
imperative you guard both your emotional
and physical health. We strongly urge you to
consider adding the aforementioned supple-
ments to your regimen.
This article provided by Nutritional Frontiers,
the makers of “Calm Day,” a supplement for
sleep and anxiety. See page 67 for more infor-
. . . continued from page 26
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