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The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Spring 2014
since 1911
• Willner Chemists •
the nutritional supplement professionals
mixture had significantly improved anxiety symptoms after three
months compared to those taking placebo. Hawthorn is primarily
used for heart conditions and is not usually considered a nervine.
However, it may help alleviate anxiety symptoms such as heart pal-
pitations and increased blood pressure. “
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57643
Calming Complex
Calming Complex
Child Friendly
This supplement, designed for children, exerts a sedative and
calming action appropriate for daytime use. It can also be used at
night to help induce sleep.
Who would benefit from this supplement? Children who are
hyperactive, anxious, obsessive compulsive, ADHD or insomnia.
Phyto-Tech™ Child Friendly Calming Complex contains the follow-
ing herbs: Chamomile Flower, Valerian Root, Hops Strobiles, Lobelia
Herb, Vegetable Glycerin, Pure Dionized Water.
Phyto-Tech™ Child Friendly Calming Complex can be used during
the day to help calm down an excitable child. It can be used as a
daily tonic or on an as needed basis. It can also be used at night (10-
30 minutes before bed time) to help bring on sleep. Typically, it will
not make a child sleepy when used in the daytime. It is a strong yet
gentle central nervous system and adrenaline calmer. It will help
slow down a hyperactive child to increase focus in the day. It can
also be used for situations that create anxiety and stress, ranging
from airline flights and car trips to difficult family situations to per-
formance anxiety.
Phyto-Tech™ Child Friendly Calming Complex will also function as
a mild analgesic, and take the edge off muscle pain and tension. It
will help spasms, cramping, colic pain and gas pain.
Dosage (by Weight):
10-30 lb. Use 10-20 drops; 31-60 lb. Use 20-40 drops; 61-100 lb.
Use 40-60 drops; Over 100 lb. Use 60-90 drops. Administer 2-3
times per day or as needed in juice or water. Direct dosing in the
mouth is OK.
Cautions: If a child is taking a prescription sedative, consult with
the doctor, and take lower herbal doses.
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 56996
Candida Complex
Candida Complex
An Alterative Formula, with Anti-Fungal and Anti-Infective
Properties. Clinically developed specifically for those with chronic
candida and yeast infections.
Please Note: Chronic Candidiasis is not commonly recognized as a
medical condition by conventional medicine; any diagnosis and/or
treatment of this condition should be supervised by a health profes-
sional. This product is not intended to treat, cure or mitigate disease.
James Duke, Ph.D., in his book The Green Pharmacy, makes the
following comment on Black walnut (Juglans nigra.) “Kathi Keville,
author of The Illustrated Herb Encyclopedia and Herbs for Health
and Healing, a California Heralist whom I admire, recounts one
impressive study showeing that the fresh husk of the black walnut
destroyed candida better than a commonly prescribed antifungal
drug . . .”
“Recurrent or chronic infections, including chronic candidiasis, are
characterized by a depressed immune system. A repetitive cycle
makes it difficult to overcome chronic candidiasis: a compromised
immune system leads to infection, and infection leads to damage to
the immune system, further weakining resistance.” (Murray and
Pizzorno, Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine)
Enhanced immune system function may be the most important
component of treating this condition.
Each serving (30 drops) contains the following: Fresh Black Walnut
Hull 150 mg, Fresh Spilanthes Flower 75 mg, Usnea Lichen 67 mg,
Pau D’Arco Bark 67 mg, Oregon Grape Root 50 mg, Gentian Root
33 mg, Fennel Seed 17 mg, Tea Tree Oil 3 mg, Oregano Oil 1 mg,
Grain Alcohol, Deionized Water.
Dosage: Take 30 drops 3 times a day in water before meals.
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57730
Cascara Sagrada
Cascara Sagrada
Cascara sagrada, obtained from the dried bark of Rhamnus
purshianus (Rhamnaceae), is traditionally used as a laxative and
detoxification agent.
Each capsule contains 420 mg of full-spectrum, wildcrafted
Cascara sagrada bark.
Who would benefit from the use of this herbal preparation? Those
suffering from occasional constipation. Like any "stimulant" laxative,
it is not intended for long term or chronic use.
Dosage: Traditional dosage of the dried bark is 300 to 1000 mg
taken at bedtime. This is equivalent to one or two capsules. Start
with one capsule. The appropriate amount of cascara is the smallest
dose that is necessary to maintain soft stools.
90 Veggie Caps - Prod Code: 60124
Cayenne 1:5
Cayenne 1:5
Cayenne is a spice derived from various species of Capsicum. As
such, it adds color, pungency and aroma to foods consumed
throughout the world.
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57054
Chamomile Flowers
Chamomile Flowers
Chamomile is traditionally used for its mild relaxing effect. It
calms, sooths and supports the nervous system.
Who would benefit from this supplement? Those with stress, anxi-
ety, stomach upset due to nervousness, and mild insomnia.
Phyto-Tech™ Chamomile Flower is traditionally used as a mild
relaxing herb for mild insomnia, anxiousness and stomach upset
from nervousness. It is a gentle sedative to the central nervous sys-
tem and can calm one down. It is best when one wants a gentle
relaxing herb to gently help them to sleep or to simply relax during
the day. It will not make one sleepy like Valerian can, nor will it
reduce pain as well as skullcap. It is suitable for children, those who
are very sensitive to sedatives and for the elderly. It is especially
soothing in a warm cup of water at bedtime.
Chamomile can be used for digestive upset from nervous eating or
overeating. It can soothe upset tummies form overeating junk foods.
It has also been used for teething infants and children who need a
little pain relieving action. Dilute amounts are added to water, milk
or juice in amounts suitable to the weight of the child. Use 10-20
drops for a 30 pound child, 25-30 drops for a 60 pound child and
an adult dose above these weights.
Phyto-Tech™ Chamomile Flowers contains 333 mg certified organ-
ic Chamomile in 30 drops.
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57067
Chaste Tree Berry
Chaste Tree Berry
Chaste Tree helps to balance the female cycle and supports
proper progesterone levels.
Who would benefit from this supplement: Women with proges-
terone deficiency, PMS, menopause related problems, and infertility.
Phyto-Tech™ Chaste Tree Berry contains 500 mg of certified
organic chaste tree berry in 30 drops.
Dosage: 20-60 drops, 2-3 times per day or as needed in juice or
Complimentary Formulas:
Phyto-Tech™ Menses Complex (for PMS related problems)
. . . continued on page 36
Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is
not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem, you
should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease.
ies have found that diets rich in lutein and
zeaxanthin may play a role in reducing the
risk of serious eye diseases such as age-relat-
ed macular degeneration (AMD) and
Lutein and zeaxanthin are the only
carotenoids generally found in the eye
despite the fact that higher concentrations of
beta-carotene and lycopene are found in the
blood. This phenomenon is especially striking
for zeaxanthin considering its relatively minor
presence in plasma. The biological function
of lutein and zeaxanthin in the eye is not
fully understood, although two functions
have been proposed: their role as antioxi-
dants and the absorption of damaging near-
to-UV blue light, the most energetic portion
of visible light.
n antioxidant is a molecule that protects
against damaging reactive oxygen species
(ROS). Singlet oxygen and peroxyl radicals
are two ROS that arise from normal reactions
in the body as well as from exposure to ciga-
rette smoke, air pollutants, radiation, certain
drugs and environmental toxins. ROS can
react with DNA, protein, or lipids and impair
their physiological function. It is believed that
these reactions with ROS can initiate diseases
such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and
age-related macular degeneration.
Carotenoids inactivate singlet oxygen by
physical or chemical quenching. The efficien-
cy of quenching depends upon molecular
properties of the carotenoid, such as the
number of double bonds, the type of end
groups or other chemical properties.
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is
the leading cause of legal blindness among
the elderly in developed countries and a
leading cause of vision impairment in gener-
al. Some surveys estimate that approximately
10 million Americans show early signs of this
disease and 450,000 or more may already
have significant vision loss from late-stage
AMD. The risk of AMD increases with age
and women may be at a higher risk than
men. AMD is an incurable condition. Both
the severity and irreversibility of AMD have
prompted a search for ways to prevent or
slow its progression.
The amount of lutein and zeaxanthin in the
eye is referred to as macular pigment density.
People with the highest risk of AMD, that is
the elderly, women, smokers and people
with light iris colors, also tend to have low
macular pigment density. Macular pigment
density can be increased by dietary means.
Such evidence provides an indirect link
between dietary intake of lutein and zeaxan-
thin, macular pigment density and AMD risk.
for more information like this, go to the
“Reference Librqry” section of our website,
Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements
. . . continued from page 28