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The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Spring, 2013
since 1911
• Willner Chemists •
the nutritional supplement professionals
Stevia: New Flavors Now Available
Extracts of leaves from Stevia rebaudiana have been used for many years in traditional treatment of diabetes in South America. Various compounds in stevia has been
concentrated, and used as natural sweeteners. These compounds possess up to 250 times the sweetness intensity of sucrose, and they are noncaloric and noncariogenic.
Stevioside, a natural plant glycoside isolated from the plant Stevia rebaudiana, has been commercialized as a noncaloric sweetener in Japan for more than 20 years.
Some studies have shown that stevia may be beneficial to those with hypertension, and those with type-2 diabetes. Dosage: Add 2-8 drops, as needed. Each ml is equiv-
alent to 300 mg of Stevia. Willner Chemists has offered stevia as a liquid herbal concentrate, providing Stevia Leaf Extract, standardized to 90% Steviosides, in 1, 2 and 4
oz sizes:
Phyto-Tech™ Stevia Extract 90
1 fl oz, prod code: 56943. List Price: $8.30 - Disc Price: $6.64 ~ 4 fl oz, prod code: 56942. List Price: $22.90 - Disc Price: $18.32
2 fl oz, prod code: 56940. List Price: $12.80 - Disc Price: $10.24
Now, Willner Chemists is pleased to offer six new stevia leaf extracts, in flavored form:
Phyto-Tech™ Stevia Extract - Chocolate, 2 oz, Alcohol Free (#60140)
Phyto-Tech™ Stevia Extract - Cinnamon, 2 oz, Alcohol Free (#60139)
Phyto-Tech™ Stevia Extract - Lemon, 2 oz, Alcohol Free (#60141)
Phyto-Tech™ Stevia Extract - Orange, 2 oz, Alcohol Free (#60144)
Phyto-Tech™ Stevia Extract - Peppermint, 2 oz, Alcohol Free (#60143)
Phyto-Tech™ Stevia Extract - Vanilla, 2 oz, Alcohol Free (#60142)
These new Stevia liquids are 100% Gluten Free, and contain only organic stevia leaf extract, veg-
etable glycerin, purified water and natural flavors/essential oils. The list price on the new, flavored
versions is $12.80 and the Willner discount price is $10.24.
Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, add 5-8 drops to a beverage or food. Shake well before
To listen to an interview on stevia and other therapeutic herbal supplements, go to and look up the May 22, 2011
Willner Window Radio Program
Lutein May Increase Visual
Here is yet another study that indicates a
role for lutein, one of the carotenoids, in
improving visual problems.
“A randomized, double-blind, placebo-con-
trolled, 1year intervention study, involving
120 healthy drivers with long-term light
exposure, found that lutein might improve
visual performance under low illumination.
Subjects either received 20 mg of lutein daily
or no lutein (control group) and were
assessed at baseline, 1, 3, 6, and 12 months.
Assessment included visual acuity, serum
lutein concentrations, macular pigment opti-
cal density (MPOD), and visual performance.
At baseline and post-treatment, dietary
intakes of lutein and visual-related quality of
life were measured. Results showed serum
lutein and central MPOD in the lutein group
increased significantly, compared to controls.
Increases in contrast and glare sensitivity,
especially in the mesopic condition were
observed in lutein group, as well as improve-
ments in the score of the National Eye
Institute 25-Item Visual Functioning
Questionnaire driving subscale. Findings indi-
cate that lutein may benefit driving at night
and other spatial discrimination tasks carried
out under low illumination.”
"Lutein supplementation improves visual
performance in Chinese drivers: 1-year ran-
domized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
study," Yao Y, Qiu QH, et al, Nutrition, 2013
Jan 26; [Epub ahead of print].
Jarrow Formulas Blackcurrant Plus Lutein
is a powerful formula for reducing eye
fatigue and promoting eye function.*
New Zealand Blackcurrants are among
the most antioxidant-rich berries, due to
the high content of polyphenol pigments
(anthocyanosides) that lend the berries
their rich purple color. Blackcurrants are
particularly noted for their protective
effects on eye health, eye discomfort, and
visual fatigue.* Lutein and zeaxanthin,
antioxidant carotenoids found in dark
green, leafy vegetables, are important
components of the macular pigment in the
eye.* The macula is responsible for focus
and color differentiation, and the macular
pigment protects the eyes from ultraviolet
radiation and oxidative stress.
Each capsule contains Blackcurrant
Extract, 200 mg (20% polyphenols),
Lutein, 10 mg (Marigold petal extract) and
Zeaxanthin, 400 mcg (Marigold petal
Jarrow Formulas
Blackcurrant Plus Lutein, 60 Softgels
Willner Prod No. 55410
Check for discount price.
Multivitamins Improve Mood
and Increase Energy--At Least It
Feels That Way!
We talk all the time about the benefits of
taking a multivitamin supplement. We report
on studies and research connected with the
various health benefits–these vitamins
enhance immune function, those vitamins
may prevent cancer, certain vitamins prevent
hear disease, etc. They function as antioxi-
dants, they function as co-factors, they retard
the discombobulation of telemers, and so
forth. Maybe there should be more of this
and less of that. This mineral should perhaps
better be taken at bedtime and that vitamin
should perhaps best be taken only after a
meal containing at least two foods that start
with the same letter as your blood type.
Surprisingly, maybe the most important
question about taking a multivitamin supple-
ment had yet to be addressed until just
recently–does taking a multivitamin supple-
ment make you feel better?
A simple question. One that perhaps gets
overlooked in our efforts to always analyze
the technical side of things, and satisfy the
scientific demand for “proof.”
Does it make you feel better? Do you feel
as if you have more energy? Do you have a
greater sense of well-being when you take
multivitamin supplements?
One could argue that this is the most
important question of all.
Researchers from Australia actually ran a
study to determine if the daily consumption
of a multivitamin boosts consumers' percep-
tion of mood and energy levels. And it was
not just a case of “take this multivitamin and
tell me how you feel.” There was a placebo
group, and the differences were significant.
The title of the study was "Participant experi-
ences from chronic administration of a multi-
vitamin versus placebo on subjective health
and well-being: a double-blind qualitative
analysis of a randomised controlled trial"
Authors: J. Sarris, K.H.M. Cox, D.A.
Camfield, A. Scholey, C. Stough, E. Fogg, M.
Kras, D.J. White, A. Sali, A. Pipingas.
Nutrition Journal, 2012, 11:110
Here is what they did. The researchers
recruited 116 people to participate in their
study and qualitative data was obtained from
114. The participants were randomly
assigned to receive a high potency multivita-
min supplement or placebo for 16 weeks.
Analysis of the qualitative data revealed
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. . . continued on page 92