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The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Spring, 2013
since 1911
• Willner Chemists •
the nutritional supplement professionals
The Best Supplements For Your Health
By Don Goldberg, RPh, Arnie Gitomer, RPh, Robert Able Jr. MD
A comprehensive discussion of nutritional and herbal
supplements--how to wisely choose and use the ones
that are right for you.
Includes over 300 pages of specific product information
and recommendations.
“Don and Arnie sure as heck don’t pull any punches--they
tell you what doesn’t work, as well as what does!”
If you want the real facts about supplements, this is the
book for you!”
. . . available at all fine bookstores,
including Willner Chemists, (item #41016) and
Retail: $16.00 ~ Willner’s Price: $11.20 (30% Off List )
Listen to podcasts of The Willner Window radio program
for answers to your questions about nutritional supplements and your
Originally broadcast on WOR Radio (in NY)
. . . go to and click on the “Radio” tab
Listen to pharmacists Don Goldberg &
Arnie Gitomer, along with nutritionist Sam
Forbes and medical doctor, Richard Podell,
as they discuss the latest developments on
nutritional supplements and health.
Go to our website,,
and download mp3 files of archived radio
Reference Library:
search for reference articles, radio
excerpts, reprints, etc, using simple and advanced full text
search tools. •
Product Information:
search the entire
23,000 product listing in the Willner Chemists inventory, with
prices, product details, etc, using simple and advanced full-text
search tools. •
Order Products:
Use the fully functional,
secure web site to select and order products from Willner
Chemists. •
Radio Show:
Listen to streaming audio of last Sunday’s radio program, or lis-
ten to mp3 archive broadcasts of The Willner Window.. Catch the interview that you
missed. Listen live, on Sunday afternoon, from 2 to 4 pm if you are not in the WOR radio
listening area. •
What’s On Sale?
Check the web site to see what is currently on sale, and
look for the current web specials.
Latest News and Events:
Read about latest nutritional supplement developments,
research and news.
The Willner Chemists web site is a valuable resource for information on nutritional sup-
plements, how to choose them, and how to use them.
General Information
Every effort was made at the time this flier was prepared to ensure accuracy. We cannot be responsible, however, for manufacturer’s
price changes, for factory and/or supplier shortages, or typographical errors.
We urge you to check on current prices as often as you like. Use the product code numbers whenever possible. The catalog and/or web
site will help you find the code numbers.
Back Orders
During a sale, we cannot automatically “back order” items. If any of the items in your order are temporarily out of stock, we will hold
your entire order for up to three (3) days, awaiting arrival of the missing item(s). If the missing items do not arrive in 3 days, your order will
be shipped as is; the missing items will not be backordered. You may re-order the missing items if you choose.
If you do not want us to hold your order for up to three days, let us know at the time of order, and we will do our best to accomodate
Sale prices and product availability is based upon information provided to us by the various manufacturers and suppliers. Sometimes they
misjudge demand, and cannot provide us with product. No “rain checks.”
During sales, we sometimes fall behind by an extra day or two. It may take a little longer to fill your order. Please do not wait until the
last moment to place your orders. Please plan ahead, and place your order early.
We cannot guarantee delivery dates, as we have no control over what happens to your package after it leaves Willner Chemists. Using
product code numbers when you call or mail in your order will minimize errors. Please try to avoid calling back with “add-on” orders.
Payment Methods
You may use a charge card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express or Discover/NOVUS). Or, you can send payment with your order (check
or money order). We will not charge your card until the order is shipped.
Merchandise may be returned only if in resalable condition, within 30 days of purchase, with a copy of your receipt. Perishable products
(refrigerated items) are not returnable; books are not returnable.
There is a flat $5.95-$7.95 shipping handling charge, depending on location:
If package sent to: MN, IA, MO, AR, LA, MS, IN, IL, KY, TN, WI, MI, OH, AL, FL, GA, SC, NC, VA, WV, charge is $6.95. If package sent
to ND, SD, NE, KS, OK, TX, NM, CO, WY, MT, ID, UT, AZ, CA, NV, OR, WA, charge is $7.95. If sent to MD, NJ, NY, CT, RI, NH, VT, ME,
DC, DE, PA, MA charge is $5.95. (Note: Alaska & Hawaii ship by U.S. Postal Service only, at a rate of $8.95)
There will be an extra charge for shipping liquids over 8 oz and large powder products over 18 ounces. Inquire when ordering.
Willner Chemists Order Department is open from 9 am to 7 pm, Monday through Friday, and from 9 am to 5 pm on Saturday. We are
closed on Sunday. The downtown store is open from 11 am to 5 pm on Saturday
Mail Orders
To place mail orders, call 1-800-633-1106 or fax your order to 1-212-682-6192.
Or use the Willner Chemists web site,
All stated discounts are based on List Price! ...i.e. 30% refers to 30% off list price, not 30% off our every-day discount price.
Refrigerated Items
Probiotic supplements (acidophilus, etc) and certain other refrigerated items should be kept cold to maintain highest potency. During the
summer, shipping over long distances may subject those items to excessive heat.
We suggest using “Next Day Air” or “Second Day Air” to minimize this problem. There is an additional charge for this service. Also, we
hold those orders until Monday to avoid weekend delays. (Also, another option: certain brands do not require refrigeration until opened.)
Refrigerated items are not returnable. We cannot guarantee conditions during shipment.
New Directions
by Don Goldberg
The Willner Window Radio
Program lasted for eighteen years
on WOR radio. That’s a long time.
And that does not include the two
years or so before that when Arnie
and I broadcast the show on
WEVD. Neither of us had any prior
experience in radio. We were actu-
ally talked into giving it a try by Dr.
Howard Benedikt, who was looking
for a new co-host on the show he
had already been broadcasting. We
were uneasy with the idea at first,
but decided to give it a try. “If it
turns out to be fun,” I said, “we
will continue. If not, . . .”
Well, fun may not be the best
word, but we did enjoy it. Both
Arnie and I had spent our years
leading up to buying Willner
Chemists in the “professional sup-
plement” field. We sold nutritional
and herbal supplements directly to
physicians and health professionals.
We were educators. We answered
their questions, and explained the
mechanisms and actions of the
supplements they were providing
their patients. I was involved in
product development and quality
control for several of the compa-
nies marketing professional nutri-
tional and herbal supplements. I
lectured and wrote the newsletters
and product information that the
doctors relied on when evaluating
and comparing various products.
Both Arnie and I had extensive
manufacturing experience as well.
So answering questions about
supplements was not something we
were uncomfortable with. The
combination of our pharmaceutical
background and hands-on experi-
ence, in fact, gave us what was
perhaps a somewhat unique insight
and depth of knowledge not found
elsewhere. So while we may not
have been polished “radio person-
alities,” we felt very comfortable
talking about supplements, and
answering listener’s questions.
And it was nice being able to talk
directly with the “patient,” rather
than through the doctor. The same
can be said, by the way, for our
day to day experience in the store.
So while it might not be fun, we
did enjoy it. We recognized that
our presentation of factual informa-
tion, unique insights, and unbiased
responses to questions was appreci-
ated by the listeners. We received
positive feedback from the listen-
ers, and we really felt we were
helping people. But was it “fun?”
Losing half the weekend was not
fun. To ensure that we maintained
a high level of quality on the show,
I felt it was appropriate that I pre-
pare a detailed script every week.
Week after week. I can’t say that
was fun. To offset part of the cost,
. . . continued on page 8