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The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Autumn, 2013
since 1911
• Willner Chemists •
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DaVinci Labs
of DHA intake . . .
The findings were different when looking at
the risks specifically for premenopausal and
postmenopausal women, but followed the
same pattern with EPA and DHA lowering
the risk of breast cancer. . . The reasons for
the differences in the protective effect of EPA
between pre- and postmenopausal women
are not clear, but the researchers offered sev-
eral possible explanations. It is the results that
count, more so than the mechanisms
For DHA, the highest intake group . . . had
a 68 percent reduced risk of breast cancer
for postrnenopausal women. In other words,
postmenopausa! women had only 32 percent
of the inci- dence of breast cancer than those
in the lowest DHA group. Table 19.1 shows
the decreased risk of developing breast can-
cer for each of the four intake ranges for EPA
and D HA. The breast cancer reduction for
all women in the study in the highest intake
group was .56 percent com- pared to those
in the lowest intake group.
See book for the table
Based on these findings, the researchers
concluded, "This investigation has identitled
flsh and fish omega-3 fatty acid intake as an
important potential protective factor in the
nutritional etiology of breast cancer. Our
results revealed an inverse relation between
breast cancer risk and dietary intake of fatty
fish and omega-3 fatty acids from fish."
In 2004 Dr. M. Saadatian-Elahi and a team
of researchers conducted a meta-analysis of
studies that analyzed blood markers of fatty
acids in association with breast cancer risk.
\¥omen with the greatest total omega-3 fatty
acid, EPA, and DHA content in their blood
had 39 percent, 31 percent, and 32 percent
lower risk, respectively, of developing breast
cancer. The analysis was based on three
cohort and seven case-control studies involv-
ing 2,031 women and a control group of
2,334 women (Saadatian-Elahi, 2004).
Fish oil supplements have also demonstrat-
ed beneficial effects for protecting against
breast cancer. In 2007 researchers from the
Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute at
Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto examined
cod liver oil supplementation with breast
cancer risk. They observed that consuming
cod liver oil once a week or more during
adolescence reduced the risk of developing
breast cancer later in life by 24 percent. It is
not clear whether vitamin D in the fish liver
oil could explain some or all of the protective
effect (Knight, 2007).
Inhibit Production of Inflammatory
In Chapter 4 we introduced a substance in
cells called nuclear factor- KB (NF-KB), a
master switch involved in the inflammatory
process, and earlier in this chapter we men-
tioned the role of inflammation in cancer.
The following study brings both of these con-
cepts together. In 2010 Dr. E. White and her
colleagues at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer
ResearchCenter in Seattle reported on flnd-
ings from their six-year study of 35,016 post-
menopausal women, which found that
women who regularly took fish oil supple-
ments were 32 percent less likely to develop
ductal breast cancer, the most common type
of the disease. The researchers noted,
"Animal and human studies support flsh oil as
having anti-inflammatory and possibly other
properties that could reduce breast cancer
risk. Fish oil may be associated with a reduc-
tion of breast cancer risk because of its anti-
inflammatory properties. EPA and DHA are
thought to reduce inflammation by suppress-
ing the production of NF-KB, . . . They con-
cluded, "Fish oil may be inversely associated
with breast cancer risk" (Brasky, 2010).
May Prevent Formation of Many
Types of Cancers
Also in 2010, Drs. H. Gleissman, J.
Johnsen, and P. Kogner of the Karolinska
Institute in Sweden reviewed the growing
body of scientific evidence and pronounced
omega-3 PUFAs the "protectors of good and
killers of evil." The scientists reviewed the
results from numerons animal and human
studies associating the consumption of
omega-3 fatty acids with a decreased risk of
cancers of the breast, prostate, colon, and
kidneys (Smith-Warner, 2006; Wolk, 2006;
Courtney, 2007; Fradet, 2009; Thiebaut,
2009). They also reviewed animal studies,
specifically on DHA supplementation and
cancer prevention, showing that DHA-
enriched or fish oil-enriched diets can inhibit
the formation of papillornas (benign growths)
(Akihisa, 2004), and carcinogenesis of the
mammary glands (Noguchi, 1997; Yuri,
2003; Manna, 2008) and of the large and
small intestines, and lung (Toriyama-Baba,
2001). In addition to prevention of these
cancers, DHA-enrichcd diets have also been
shown to reduce the formation of aberrant
crypt foci (one of the earliest changes in the
lining of the colon and rectum that form
before colorectal polyps) (Takahashi, 1993),
colon cancer carcinoma (Iigo, 1997), sarco-
ma (a type of cancer that is rarer than carci-
noma) (Ramos, 2004), and prostate can- cer
(Kelavkar, 2006).
In their discussion of the findings, the
researchers pointed out that “dietary habits,
and especially intake of fat, do more to the
body than just influence waist circumforence
and weight. Dietary habits affect the system
as a whole, down to gene level, and both the
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. . . continued on page 78
. . . continued from page 63
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