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The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Autumn, 2013
since 1911
• Willner Chemists •
the nutritional supplement professionals
Bang in Greenland, which pinpointed the
omega-3 fatty acids as the cardioprotective
factors in the Eskimos' diet; we were simply
interested in the overall "polyunsaturated-
ness" of fish oil. Would it lower cholesterol
like other liquid oils (which were plant- not
animal-derived)? Or would it raise choles-
terol like other animal fats (which were solid
not liquid)? We did find that the "liquid-ness"
was more important than the "animal-ness" of
the oil vis-a-vis blood cholesterol, but when
we learned about omega-3 fatty acids from
Drs. Dyerberg and Bang, our blinders fell off
and we began to see fish oils not simply as
liquid animal fats, but as vehicles for terribly
important nutrients- ones that were sadly
missing from the American diet.
That shift in focus has guided my research
over the last thirty years, to the point where
we now believe that the blood omega-3 level
("the omega-3 index") is actually a heart dis-
ease risk factor-a marker in the blood that
predicts risk for fatal heart attacks (and prob-
ably other maladies) that, importantly, can be
changed by altering the diet. I believe the
omega-3 index is even more important than
the cholesterol level when it comes to identi-
fying patients at increased risk for heart
attacks. As of this writing, the omega-3 index
has formally entered the world of medical
care and is being included in routine lipid
panels at a major clinical lab (Health
Diagnostic Laboratory, Richmond, Va.), and is
helping hundreds of physicians manage car-
diac risk for thousands of patients. Without
the visionary work and tireless investigation
of Dr. Dyerberg, the omega-3 index would
not exist today.
I am thankful that these two highly quali-
fied scientists-Drs. Dyerberg and Passwater-
have joined forces to bring the omega-3 story
to the general public. You will enjoy the
adventure that awaits you in these pages,
and if "you have ears to hear," you too can
begin to enjoy the health benefits provided
from these "gifts from the sea."
William S. Harris, Ph.D.
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
February 2012
Missing Wellness Factors EPA/DHA
Dyerberg & Passwater
Table of Contents
Foreword by William Harris, Ph.D.,
In the Beginning: The Discovery
1. Unlocking the Eskimos' Nutritional
2. "Eiscosa What? Docosa What?"
3. The Missing Links,
4. Eicosanoids and Docosanoids Fine-Tune
Body Chemistry,
5. Essential Fats,
6. The Omega-3 Requirement,
7. Research Gains Interest and Acceptance
by Other Scientists,
EPA and DHA at Work: Clinical Trials
8. Heart Disease,
. . . continued from page 36
9. Stroke,
10: Fetal and Infant Neurodevelopment 125
11. Memory and Cognition,
12. Alzheimer's' Disease & Dementias, 141
13. Mood and Depression,
14. Bipolar Disorders and Schizophrenia167
15. Vision,
16. Cell Aging and Longevity,
17. Arthritis,
18. Diabetes,
19. Cancer,
20. Guidelines and Dosages for Optimizing
Your Health
by Restoring EPAlDHA Levels,
About the Authors,
An excerpt from the book follows:
Ordering Information:
Missing Wellness Factors EPA &
Willner #63257
List: $18.95 ~ Discount: $15.16
The following is an excerpt from Chapter 19
in the book The Missing Wellness Factors--EPA
and DHA
by Jorn Dyerberg, M.D., DMSc. & Richard
Passwater, Ph.D.
More information on this book can be found
on the left side of this page.
Conventional chemotherapy drugs are
often double-edged swords, as they kill the
cancer cells but also damage the healthy
cells, causing severe side effects and some-
times even death. EPA and DHA act as both
a sword and a shield. In addition to being
toxic to cancer cells, EPA and DHA protect
healthy tissue by the favorable eicosanoids
and docosanoids that they produce.
Inflammation of tissue controlled by
cytokines and other mediators provides a
microenvironment for tumor growth and
malignancy. Resolvins, protectins, and
maresins made from EPA and DHA help
counter that inflammation and may restrict
cancerous cell growth. Scientific data indi-
cate that EPA and DHA may inhibit the pro-
liferation of cancer cells and work in synergy
with chemotherapeutic drugs.
In this chapter we present studies showing
that omega-3, long-chain polyunsaturated
fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) may reduce the inci-
dence of some cancers. We are not suggest-
ing that they have a pronounced effect that
directly prevents all types of cancer per se,
. . . continued on page 63
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