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The Willner Window Product Reference Catalog, Autumn, 2013
since 1911
• Willner Chemists •
the nutritional supplement professionals
icals including anthocyananins, ellagic acid derivatives, catechins and
procyandins, flavonols, fatty acids and sterols. Human studies show
that pomegranate polyphenols and their metabolites offer protection
against various diseases. Pomegranate increases nitric oxide produc-
tion in the endothelial cells of the vascular system protecting against
cardiovascular disease. Studies show consumption of the juice bene-
fits patients with carotid artery stenosis, those with hypertension, and
those with coronary heart disease. Pomegranate has been heavily
studied in the treatment of prostate cancer. In one study when men
with aggressive prostate cancer were given pomegranate juice daily
after treatment by surgery or radiation, there was over a four-fold
prolonged delay in prostate specific antigen (PSA) doubling time,
and the rate of PSA rise was reduced by 50% over the course of just
one year. Numerous other studies demonstrate pomegranate inhibits
inflammation, slows cartilage loss in arthritis, improves sperm health,
and increases the overall antioxidant capacity of the blood.
The powerful antioxidants in Green Tea may help fight the free
radicals that contribute to skin, lung, and stomach cancer as well as
contribute to lowered blood pressure and LDL cholesterol. Green
Tea is rich in a type of polyphenol called catechin. Catechins are 40
to 200 times more effective in seeking out and destroying free radi-
cals than Vitamin A, C and E. These catechins include four major
polyphenols including epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), epicatechin
gallate (ECG), epigallocatechin (EGC) and epicatechin (EC). Of these
compounds EGCG is the most abundant in green tea and has gener-
ated the most interest. Peer?reviewed scientific research has consis-
tently shown that EGCG is a potent antioxidant, deactivating health-
damaging free-radicals. By virtue of its antioxidant effects EGCG has
been shown to exert a number of beneficial activities, such as reduc-
ing inflammation, and normalizing cell and tissue functions. In pro-
moting cardiovascular health EGCG has been shown to inhibit free-
radical activity in the arteries, improving coronary circulation. Other
studies have shown that ECGC has a benefit in normalizing blood
glucose and protecting the pancreas from oxidative damage, as well
as in boosting metabolism and burning fat. Green tea catechins and
ECGC in particular have also been shown to naturally support detox-
ification and the elimination of toxic substances from the body while
protecting the liver.
Grape skin and grape seed extracts are anti-inflammatory and
radioprotective. They are abundant in a group of polyphenols called
procyanidins. Procyanidins are strong antioxidants, lipid peroxidation
inhibitors, and free radical scavengers. Procyanidins have antimuta-
genic effects, meaning they can counteract environmental mutagens,
which are thought to be one of the causes of chronic degenerative
diseases. Procyanidins also increase circulation making them helpful
for conditions such as venous insufficiency (a condition in which the
veins have trouble sending blood from the legs back to the heart). A
placebo controlled study showed that treatment with procyanidins
improved venous functionality and reduced pain, cramps, edema
and paresthesias (tingling). Due to procyanidins positive effects on
circulation, grape skin and seed extracts are helpful for numerous
vision disorders. Studies show treatment with procyanidins from the
extracts increase resistance to glare, decrease ocular stress from pro-
longed activity at a computer and improve contrast sensitivity, retinal
function and sensitivity in myopia (nearsightedness).
Complimentary Productrs: Phyto-Tech™ Antiox Phyto Blend, liq-
uid herbal extract.
Phyto-Tech™ Green Tea Guo, regular and peach flavored.
60 Liq Caps - Prod Code 57091
Anxiety Complex
Anxiety Complex
This is a calming, soothing and relaxing formula that focuses on
emotional stress.
Phyto-Tech™ Anxiety Complex is a blend of herbs with anti-anxi-
ety properties, including Kava Kava, Pulsatilla and Lobelia, which
helps to reduce anxiety, nervous irritability, and panic attacks.
Anxiety Complex will calm and sooth the mind when going through
difficult times emotionally and mentally, but it does not interfere
with collgnitive function, allowing you to stay alert and think clearly.
Who would benefit from this supplement? Those who suffer from
anxiety, too much stress, insomnia due to an overactive mind, worry,
and mild depression. Those who need to remain clear headed, but
also need a calming and soothing effect. Those who suffer from
panic attacks and performance anxiety. Those whose mild depres-
sion is related to anxiety or severe stress.
Phyto-Tech™ Anxiety Complex contains the following herbs: Night
Blooming Cereus, Vanuatu Kava Root, St. John’s Wort Flowers,
Lobelia Herb, Pulsatilla Herb.
Phyto-Tech Anxiety Complex is a blend of herbs with anti-anxiety
properties, including Kava Kava, Pulsatilla and Lobelia, which helps
to reduce anxiety, nervous irritability, and panic attacks. Anxiety
Complex will calm and sooth the mind when going through difficult
times emotionally and mentally, but it does not interfere with coll-
gnitive function, allowing you to stay alert and think clearly.
Dosage: Acute short-term need: 2-4 squirts every hour as needed.
Anxiet-Ease can be increased to 1 tsp. (6 squirts) for short-term
strong anxiety reducing doses.
Tonic long-term need: 30-60 drops 2-3 times per day.
Complimentary Products: These other Phyto-Tech™ herbal formu-
las can be used along with Anxiety Complex under the following
If mild depression accompanies anxiety, consider St. John's
Complex or St. John's Wort.
If an over-all calming, sedating action is needed, consider Phyto-
Tech™ Relax PM.
If exhaustion is present, consider Phyto-Tech™ Adaptogen
Complex or Phyto-Tech™ Ginseng Energy Blend.
If body pain is present, consider Phyto-Tech™ MuscleGesic.
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57014
Arnica Oil 1:6 Topical
Arnica Oil 1:6 Topical
A popular first-aid remedy for trauma, injuries.
Arnica is the pre-eminent remedy for trauma, injuries, and acci-
dents and is a common part of first aid kits and home medicine cab-
inets. This topical oil is massaged into painful tissue that has been
traumatized from an accident, athletic event and overexertion.
Massage Therapists and Chiropractors commonly use arnica oil on
muscle and joints that are problematic in order to disburse congest-
ed fluids in a painful area.
It is thought that Arnica works as a fluid transport stimulating herb.
It moves interstitual fluids through ischemic tissue. Ischemic tissue is
tissue that has diminished oxygen content because of restricted
blood and fluid flow. This action by Arnica on the painful tissue
helps it heal and stop the pain cycle. As a result of the increased cir-
culation, cellular waste is removed, bruises clear up, pain diminish-
es, tissue heals, tissue oxygenates and recovery time is significantly
Athletes find arnica reduces potential for injury, reduces recovery
time from injury and bruising.
Arnica Topical Oil is great for the daily bumps and bruises
inevitable in life and especially childhood. It is safe for kids.
Phyto-Tech™ Arnica Oil 1:6 Topical contains the following: Arnica
montana Flowers (Wild Harvested), Sage Essential Oil, Extra Virgin
Cold Pressed Olive Oil,
Note: First extracted in alcohol and oil to maximize potency, then
the alcohol is removed.
Special Note: Most Arnica on the market is “Mexican” Arnica. This
is commonly Heterothica inuloides, an adulterant and is not true
Arnica. The Vitality Works Arnica products are made from the true
European Arnica montana.
Cautions: Do not apply to open wounds, ulcerations or on areas
prone to bleeding; Do not take internally; Discontinue use if very
sensitive skin results in a rash.
Complimentary Formulas and Single Herbs:
Phyto-Tech™ MuscleGesic, an oral formula for muscle and general
body pain, inflammation
Phyto-Tech™ Comfrey Root 1:3 (to promote healing of breaks,
fractures, sprains, cuts, lesions)
Phyto-Tech™ Valerian Root 1:2 (for severe pain)
Phyto-Tech™ St. John’s Wort 1:2 (if nerves are very sensitive or
Dosage: Massage into effected areas as needed. Repeat 2-3 times
per day or as needed.
. . . continued on page 20
Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is
not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem, you
should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease.
Product Reference Guide: Willner Chemists Phyto-Tech™ Herbal Supplements
the study group. It was NOT set up initially
to evaluate these factors, hence its relevance
is not as significant as studies designed to
specifically determine the impact of omega-3
fatty acids on prostate cancer risk.
- There is no evidence that anybody in this
study took fish oil supplements or even ate
In usual circumstances, plasma levels of
EPA and DHA reflect very recent intake and
are considered a poor biomarker of long-
term omega-3 intake.
- Patients with prostate cancer may have
only recently increased their fish and/or fish
oil consumption.
- Fish and fish oil ingestion produces a big
rise in plasma omega-3 levels in about 4.5
hours and washes out around 48 hours.
- The data may reflect cancer activity rather
than a causative association. Without dietary
history or documentation of fish oil use there
is no way of knowing.
Lastly, the following statement by the
authors suggests that they may have signifi-
cant bias: "There is really no evidence that
taking dietary supplements is beneficial to
health, and there is increasing evidence that
taking high doses is harmful." Such a state-
ment shows a clear axe to grind in light of a
great deal of scientific evidence on the value
of dietary supplementation.
A Closer Look at the Reported
Let's take a closer look at the reported
results to see if things add up. The bottom
line is that they do not. Let's first take a look
at the blood levels of EPA+DHA - the major
forms of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids
found in fish oil supplements. As Table 1
shows the levels are quite similar among the
groups. These blood levels of EPA+DHA are
actually quite modest and do not reflect huge
levels of fish or fish supplements being con-
sumed. The average EPA+DHA plasma level
for men is generally approximately 4%. So,
the levels reported here are typical, but a lit-
tle lower than normal and the ratio of EPA to
DHA is also a little lower as well.
Table 1. Distribution of EPA and DHA
among SELECT participants by prostate can-
cer grade (n=2273)*
See original article for table http://doctor-
What the researchers did next was divide
cancer patients up by their blood levels of
fatty acids and look at the hazard ratio - the
relative risk over time - associated with differ-
ent levels of the various fatty acids (see Table
2). As it relates to EPA, statistical significance
was not achieved for total cancer or high-
grade cancer (the P value has to be less than
0.05 to be deemed anything more than ran-
dom chance). For DHA, there was statistical
significance. But, again, the levels of DHA
are typical of what is found in men consum-
ing modest amounts of fish. However, the
level of EPA was lower than that typically
found and the ratio of EPA to DHA was also
lower. What this may mean is that there may
be increased conversion of EPA to DHA in
prostate cancer. Though one interesting
observation is that the hazard ratio (HR) actu-
ally went down in high-grade prostate cancer
in the group with the highest level of DHA
compared to the next highest group. This
suggests that it is not that significant of a fac-
tor as one would expect if it was that the
higher the level the higher the HR. But, this
finding has a P value of 0.09 so no real con-
clusions can be made as it was probably a
random finding.
Table 2. Associations between EPA and
DHA among SELECT participants by prostate
cancer grade (n=2273)
See original article for table http://doctor-
The authors conclude that men are at high-
er risk of aggressive prostate cancer if the
total plasma level of long-chain omega-3
fatty acids (EPA+DPA+DHA) is greater than
3.68%. If that were true, then aggressive
prostate cancer would be a major health
concern and the leading cause of death in
any country with even moderate fish con-
sumption. The facts are that population-
based studies show just the opposite effect.
For example, prostate cancer incidence and
death rates are among the lowest known in
populations consuming the traditional
Japanese or Mediterranean diets, two diets
with a relatively high content of EPA+DHA.
What do other Studies Show?
In addition to population-based studies,
several studies have been conducted that
were actually designed to determine the
effects of fish and fish oil consumption in
prostate cancer. In a detailed meta-analysis
conducted in 2010, while fish consumption
did not affect prostate cancer incidence, it
was associated with a 63% reduced mortality
due to prostate cancer.2 A meta-analysis
examines all previously conducted studies.
Here are some of the results from some of
these studies:
Researchers investigated the effect of
dietary fatty fish intake among 6,272 Swedish
men who were followed for 30 years. Results
showed that men who ate no fish had a two-
to three-fold increase in the risk of develop-
ing prostate cancer compared with those
who consumed large amounts of fish in their
Data from the Physician's Health Study, a
study spanning 22 years, found that fish con-
sumption (=5 times per week) reduced the
risk of dying from prostate cancer by 36%.4 -
specific death.
A study conducted by the Harvard School
of Public Health that involved 47,882 men
over twelve years found that eating fish more
than three times a week reduced the risk of
prostate cancer but had an even greater
impact on the risk of metastatic prostate can-
cer. For each additional 500 mg of marine fat
consumed, the risk of metastatic disease
decreased by 24%.5
In one of the best-designed studies,
researchers in New Zealand examined the
relationship between prostate cancer risk and
EPA+ DHA in red blood cells (a more reflec-
tive marker for long-term omega-3 fatty acid
intake). Higher levels of EPA+DHA were
associated with a 40% reduced risk of
prostate cancer.6
In a study of 47,866 US men aged 40-75
years with no cancer history in 1986 who
were followed for 14 years EPA+DHA intake
at the highest levels was associated with a
26% reduced risk of developing prostate can-
While some studies make an important dis-
tinction, others do not. When ascertaining
the benefits of fish consumption it is impor-
tant to find out how the fish is being pre-
pared. For example, regular ingestion of fried
fish was associated with a 32% increased risk
for prostate cancer.8 In addition, many stud-
ies do not control for the quality of fish or
fish oil. Some fish (and fish oil supplements)
can contain environmental chemicals that
can contribute to prostate cancer such as
PCBs, heavy metals, and other toxic chemi-
cals.9, 10 These are important considera-
. . . continued from page 14
. . . continued on page 26