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The Willner Window Sale Flier Newsletter, July-Aug, 201
a powerful antioxidant.
It may be this antioxidant action
that leads to its ophthalmologic
According to the Natural
Standard reference database,
cataract formation may be initiated
by oxidative stress to the lens of the
eye. The use of antioxidant supple-
ments appears to be protective
against cataracts. Carnosine may be
a suitable therapy and prophylactic
agent for cataracts, because it is a
water-soluble antioxidant that can
inhibit oxidative modification of
proteins and prevent the accumula-
tion of DNA damage and lipid per-
oxides in the lens. Carnosine has
been demonstrated to prevent, or
partially reverse, lens cataract for-
mation and was effective in treat-
ment of corneal metabolic diseases
and senile cataract.
It has been shown that, when
administered topically to the eye in
the form of eye drops, N-acetyl
carnosine functions as a time-
release form of carnosine resistant
to hydrolysis. Eye drops containing
carnosine have also been found to
be effective in treating human
corneal erosions and to accelerate
the healing of ulcers in herpes and
bacterial infections of the eye.
Carnosine may delay cataract for-
mation via antiglycation and other
antioxidative activity.
In eyes treated with N-acetyl
carnosine over 24 months, topo-
graphic studies demonstrated less
density and corresponding areas of
opacification in posterior subcapsu-
lar and cortical morphological
regions of the lens in the N-acetyl
carnosine-treated group. Computer
imaging of a cataract lens treated
with N-acetyl carnosine for four
months demonstrated a significant
decrease of optical heterogeneities
in the lens posterior cortical region.
Now, let me be honest with you.
I was not aware of this work on
carnosine and cataracts until a
short time ago. A question from
one of our customers led me to
look it up. I'm impressed. I knew
that antioxidant eye drops were
available in other countries, but not
in the United States. I will post the
references to the studies that have
been done on our website, but
here is the thing–eye drops con-
taining 1% N-acetyl carnosine have
been shown to be safe, and free of
side effects. They are soothing,
healing and, as I just explained,
may prevent or even partially
reverse cataract formation.
So, what's to lose? The potential
benefit is great, and the downside
is nil. Unfortunately, it's too late for
me in terms of preventing cataract,
but I am fighting glaucoma, and I
have started using eye drops con-
taining 1% N-acetyl Carnosine.
What is the product? Brite Eyes
III, from Life Extension. We carry
this at Willner Chemists. We are
comfortable with this product, as
you need to be careful with eye
drops. They have to be sterile and
manufactured to exacting stan-
Now, you might wonder why the
product, Brite Eyes III, is labeled
only as "Sterile, Lubricant Eye
Drops." That what it is. It contains
soothing, lubricant ingredients for
the eye, and no other claims are
made. But if you look at the ingre-
dient listing, you will see N-acetyl
Carnosine in the list under "other
ingredients." Their website indicates
it is at at 1% concentration.
To comply with FDA regulations,
no therapeutic claims can be
made. I suspect this is the reason
N-acetyl Carnosine is not identified
as an "active ingredient." But it's
there, and it's at the recommended
1% level.
Brite Eyes III, from Life Extension,
available from Willner Chemists,
discount priced, of course.
Study Shows Two
Nutrients Reduce
Cardiovascular Mortality
CoQ10 and Selenium also
improves cardiac function.
A recent study, looking at supple-
mentation with two nutrients–sele-
nium and CoQ10–concluded that
cardiovascular mortality was
reduced by about 6%. The study is
published in the International
Journal of Cardiology, as was from
Sweden. It was a well-designed
study, and the results were impres-
This is important, because the
occasional study that seems to fail
to support the value of nutritional
supplementation becomes headline
stories on TV and the newspapers,
while studies like this, which sup-
port supplementation, fail to
receive proper recognition.
According to, Cara Welch, PhD,
VP of scientific & regulatory affairs
for the Natural Products
Association (NPA), the study was
small but well-designed with
"results that cannot be ignored”.
Dr Welch added that not only
did the study demonstrate that
selenium plus CoQ10 significantly
reduced the chance of cardiovasc
lar death, but the observed reduc-
tion of levels of a cardiac biomark
er and echocardiographic measur
ments even hinted at a possible
mechanism of action.
The participants of the study su
plemented with 200 mg of CoQ1
daily, along with 200 mcg of selen
um, from yeast. Not only was mor
tality reduced, but there were sig-
nificant improvements in cardiac
Why did they choose to look at
these two nutrients? The study wa
run in Sweden, and Sweden is on
of those Scandinavian countries
where selenium levels in the soil
are low. For most other trace min-
erals, if the levels in the soil are
low, this will be reflected in the
growth and appearance of the
crops. They will grow poorly,
appear stunted, etc. But when sel
nium levels are low, you cannot te
this by looking at the crops. They
look normal. Humans eating the
crops can become selenium defi-
cient, and not know it.
The best known example of sele
nium deficiency may be in China,
where Keshan disease, an endemi
cardiomyopathy affecting children
was common.
Are you getting enough seleniu
and CoQ10? If you are taking a
good quality multivitamin supple-
ment, you may be getting all the
selenium you need. Willvite, for
example, provides 200 mcg of sel
nium per recommended four tabl
. . . continued from page 78
. . . continued on page
the dosage.
Many consider valerian to be the strongest western
herbal painkiller as well. It will reduce pain in the mus-
culo-skeletal system (i.e. muscle and joint pain from
injury, accidents, work outs, surgeries). Valerian may
be enough to control pain after relatively mild surger-
ies or dental procedures. It is also a smooth muscle
relaxer for pain from menstrual cramps, digestive
cramps, gall bladder and kidney stones. According to
herbalists, Valerian will not remove all pain like a phar-
maceutical pain killer but will instead, reduce the per-
cent of pain recognition by 10-50%.
Contrary to popular belief, Valium was not derived
from Valerian. They sound alike and are used for simi-
lar conditions, but are not related. The generally
acknowledged active constituent, especially for pur-
poses of standardization, is valerenic acid,
Phyto-Tech™ Valerian Root 1:2 contains Fresh
Valerian Root, 500 mg/ml.
Also available in vegetarian capsule form. Each
Phyto-Tech Valerian Veggie Cap contains 500 mg of
certified organic Valerian Root.
1 fl oz, - Prod Code: 56951
1 fl oz, Alcohol Free - Prod Code: 56978
90 Veggie Caps - Prod Code: 60138
White Willow Bark 1:2
White Willow Bark 1:2
White Willow is one of the herbs originally
associated with aspirin. White Willow (and
Meadowsweet) contains salicin, a substance that
reduces pain and inflammation. A chemical
derivative of salicin, acetylsalicic acid, is aspirin. Like
aspirin, White Willow has a mild "blood thinning"
action, which is usually considered beneficial to the
heart and circulatory system.
Who might benefit from this herbal supplement?
Those who need relief from pain, including headache
pain, arthritic or joint pain, etc.
Phyto-Tech™ White Willow Bark 1:2 contains White
Willow Bark, Alcohol, Pure Grain, Water, Pure
Phyto-Tech™ White Willow Bark 1:2
1 fl oz, Prod Code: 57044
Women’s Energy Tonic
Women’s Energy Tonic
A combination of herbs that function as adaptogens,
hormone balancers and circulatory stimulants.
Who might benefit from this herbal supplement?
Those women that help optimizing hormone balance;
those women seeking an increase in energy and vitali-
ty; those women who need protection against the neg-
ative effect of stress; those women with mood swings,
irritability, fatigue, PMS, stress, low libido and mild
Phyto-Tech™ Women’s Energy Tonic contains the fol-
lowing: Dong Quai root, Ashwagandha Root, Damiana
Leaf, Gotu Kola Leaf, Fresh Ginkgo Leaf, Chaste Tree
Berry, American Ginseng Root, Grain Alcohol and Pure
Deionized Water.
Dong Quai and Chaste Tree Berry are popular herbs
used for many menstrual irregularities. These herbs
help regulate menstrual cycles, treat hot flashes, PMS,
mood swings, bloating and infertility.
Ashwagandha and American Ginseng are adapto-
genic herbs that increase vigor, energy, vitality and
resistance to illness and environmental stresses.
Together, these two herbs work synergistically to pre-
vent breakdown under stress and to also rejuvenate
and restore vitality.
Damiana has been called the “lover’s herb” due to
its traditional use as an aphrodisiac. It supports both
female and male sexuality by carrying oxygen and
increasing circulation to the genital area. It has also
been used for strengthening and stimulating the nerv-
ous system and boosting mental and physical
Gotu Kola has been traditionally used as an energiz-
ing, cognitive stimulating herb for use in fatigue, cogni-
tive insufficiency and mood disorders.
Phyto-Tech™Women’s Energy Tonic can be used for
occasional hormonal disturbances, but is best used as a
tonic over an extended period of time (at least 3
Dosage: 40-60 drops in juice or water, 2-3 times per
day or as needed
1 fl oz, Prod Code: 57086
Phyto-Tech™ Liquid Herbal
Product Reference
Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is
not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem, you
should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease.
. . . continued on page 8