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The Willner Window Sale Flier Newsletter, July-Aug, 201
sine, creatine and carotene. That
leaves carnitine.
L-carnitine is an amino acid
derivative. It's found in nearly all
cells in the body. Most of the rea-
sons we use it as a supplement and
therapeutic agent can be directly
related to its primary metabolic
function in the body, and that
impacts fat metabolism and energy
production. Here is what it does. L-
carnitine transports long-chain fatty
acids across the cell membranes,
the mitochondrial membranes, into
the mitochondria where they are
processed, by beta-oxidation, to
product biological energy in the
form of ATP. In other words, L-car-
nitine facilitates the movement of
cellular fuel, fatty acids, into the
cells where it can be burned for
As a secondary function, L-carni-
tine facilitates the removal of fatty
acids–both long chain fatty acids
from the blood and short and
medium chain fatty acids from the
mitochondria, where they can
accumulate and interfere withe the
normal energy production process.
Arnie: L-carnitine can have car-
dioprotective activity. It enhances
cardiac function. It can lower
triglycerides, and help elevate HDL
levels. It is an antioxidant. It may
have neuroprotective activity, and
is thought to be helpful in treating
conditions such as Alzheimer's dis-
To give you an idea as to how
much interest and research is asso-
ciated with L-carnitine, let me
quickly run down the listing of vali-
dated "indications" listed in the
Natural Standard reference data-
Angina (chronic stable),
Peripheral vascular disease. ADHD.
AIDS, Alcoholism, Alzheimer's dis-
ease, Arrhythmia, Cerebral
ischemia, Congestive heart failure,
Dementia (elderly), Depression,
Diabetes mellitus, Diabetic neu-
ropathy, Dialysis (CAPD), Dialysis
(hemodialysis), Diphtheria, Erectile
dysfunction, Exercise performance,
Fatigue, Fragile X syndrome,
Hepatic encephalopathy,
Huntington's chorea/disease,
Hyperthyroidism, Infertility
(asthenospermia), Lactic acidosis,
Liver disease (cirrhosis), Memory,
Myocardial infarction, Nutritional
deficiencies (adults, fullterm infants,
premature infants), Obesity,
Peripheral neuropathy, Peyronie's
disease, Pregnancy (miscarriage),
Respiratory distress (adults, infants),
Rett's syndrome, Sickle cell disease,
Surgerical uses (bypass),
Don: It is clear that L-carnitine is
a very valuable, therapeutic nutri-
ent. There are a few things you
need to know about L-carnitine
when buying it as a supplement,
however. It comes in different
forms, and you want to get the
form best suited for the condition
you want to treat.
Arnie: First, you hear us refer to
carnitine as L-carnitine. Why?
Carnitine is a molecule that has
two forms, or stereoisomers. The L-
form is biologically active, but the
D- form is not active.
Theorectically, the D- or DL- form
could actually cause a deficiency,
but I don't think you could find
either of these forms from any rep-
utable supplement company.
The other thing you need to
know is that you can buy L-carni-
tine as L-carnitine, of course, but
also in two other forms–acetyl-L-
carnitine and propionyl-L-carnitine.
Don: Acetyl-L-carnitine is a form
of carnitine especially suited for
brain and nerve conditions. Acetyl-
L-carnitine crosses the lood-brain
barrier and is rapidly absorbed by
the brain. This makes it especially
suitable for treating Alzheimer's dis-
ease, dementia, memory, learning
or concentration problems. It is the
form that may help lessen periph-
eral nerve damage assiciated with
Arnie: The other form of carni-
tine, propionyl-L-carnitine, is
thought to be better suited for
treating heart disease, providing
optimal vasodilatory effect to blood
vessels, and supporting healthy
heart and skeletal muscle function.
Propionly-L-carnitine itself is cur-
rently classified as a drug in
Europe. It may achieve similar drug
status within the United States as a
treatment for the blood vessel dis-
order, intermittent claudication. To
get around this, a safe dietary form
of Propionly-L-carnitine has been
developed which is molecularly
bonded to glycine, one of the pre-
cursor amino acids to carnitine
biosynthesis. This form offers the
benefits associated with propionly-
L-carnitine, including enhanced
fatty acid metabolism, antioxidant
function, and blood flow. This form
is called Glycine Propionyl-L-
Carnitine or GPLC.
And finally, L-carnitine is available
in several forms, the fumarate, tar-
trate, etc, but these are minor vari-
ations utilized to enhance stability
and absorption.
Don: What if you can't decide.
What if you want to target both the
brain and the heart? Well, don't
despair. Various companies recog-
nize this, and have formulated
combination products that have
you covered. Jarrow Formulas, for
example, has a product called
CarnitALL 600, which is a blend of
all types of carnitine.
Arnie: The description of
CarnitAll reads: "CarnitALL® is a
full spectrum carnitine combination
designed to impact various body
tissues with the benefits of carnitine
including the cardiac and skeletal
muscles as well as mitochondrial
function in brain, nerve, heart, liver
and sperm cells, where various
forms of L-Carnitine participate in
metabolizing fatty acids into ener-
So there you have it, an overview
of the four c's–carnitine, carnosine,
carotene and creatine. I hope we
were able to clarify what these four
nutrients are, and provided some
insight into what they are used for.
If you have any questions, please
give us a call. The number here is .
. .
Cataract Formation:
Prevention and
Treatment with N-acety
Carnosine Eye Drops
The following additional comment
were prepared by Don Goldberg f
broadcast on a later Willner
Window Radio Program.
I also want to go into a little mo
detail on something we spoke
about a couple of weeks ago. It
was, in fact, the show that aired o
May 13th. We explained the diffe
ence between four
supplements–carnitine, carnosine,
carotene and creatine.
In that part of the discussion cov
ering carnosine, we briefly men-
tioned that a form of carnosine, N
acetyl carnosine, has been shown
to prevent and/or partially reverse,
cataract formation. And we told
you about an eye drop formula
that contained N-acetyl carnosine,
called Brite Eyes III, from Life
I'm not going to go over the sam
material as before. Carnosine is a
interesting substance, and should
be looked at not only by people
with eye and vision concerns, but
also those concerned with dia-
betes, longevity, exercise perform-
ance, digestive disorders, H. Pylor
and many other conditions. It is a
dipeptide, meaning it is compose
of two amino acids, alanine and
histidine, and among other things
. . . continued from page 26
. . . continued on page
orders, ranging from rheumatoid arthritis to Crohn's
disease; Those who suffer from ulcerative colitis, and
indigestion; those who suffer from liver disorders.
Phyto-Tech Turmeric Root 1:1.5 is one of the most
potent anti-inflammatory herbs. Turmeric (Curcuma
longa) contains curcumin, a powerful antioxidant and
antiinflammatory agent. It works by keeping naturally
occurring levels of cortisone at higher blood levels,
thus producing a systemic anti-inflammatory effect.
This can help conditions ranging from all auto-immune
disorders (MS, lupus, psoriasis, asthma, arthritis--osteo
asnd rheumatoid) to any condition where cortico-
steroid drug use is indicated. This includes Crohn’s dis-
ease, colitis and bursitis.
Phyto-Tech™ Turmeric Root 1:1.5 contains Certified
Organic Fresh Turmeric Root (Curcuma longa), 667 mg
per Serving, Alcohol Pure Grain, Water Pure
Also available as a vegetarian capsule. Each Tumeric
capsule contain 450 mg of Standardized (95%
Curcumanoids) Turmeric Root, along with 5 mg of
Bioperine for enhanced absorption.
Phyto-Tech™ Turmeric Root 1:1.5 - 1 fl oz ~ Prod
Code: 57016
Phyto-Tech Turmeric Root 60 Veggie Caps - Prod Code:
Urinary Kidney Complex
Urinary Kidney Complex
A blend of herbs effective against urinary tract
infections--acute and chronic.
Who might benefit from this herb? Those with uri-
nary tract infections, both acute and chronic.
Phyto-Tech™Urinary Kidney Complex contains the
following: Uva Ursi Leaf, Nettle Leaf, Fresh Dandelion
Root, Juniper Berries, Fresh Marshmallow Root,
Horsetail Herb, Fresh Ginger Root, Grain Alcohol,
Deionized Water
The Uva Ursi is germicidal in the urinary tract.
Juniper and Myrrh are also strong antibacterial herbs
for the urinary tract. It is important to increase the flow
of urine to wash out the urinary tract. This is facilitated
by the addition of Dandelion, Nettle. It helps to drink
large amounts of water as well. The Marshmallow is a
soothing herb to the mucosa of the urinary tract to
help decrease pain and discomfort.
Dosage: General: 20-40 drops, 2-3 times per day or
as needed in juice or water.
For acute infection: 60-90 drops every 3-4 hours in
juice or water
1 fl oz, Prod Code: 56990
Uva Ursi Leaf 1:3
Uva Ursi Leaf 1:3
A powerful urinary tract antiseptic and diuretic.
Who might benefit from this herb? Those with
urinary tract infections.
Phyto-Tech™ Uva Ursi Leaf contains arbutin, which is
thought to be responsible for the herbs powerful uri-
nary tract antiseptic properties. It is best used short
term,, for acute situations, for up to 2-3 weeks. It is
often combined with cranberry juice to acidify the
urine. It also exhibits diuretic properties, and helps to
flush the urinary tract.
Dosage: 30-60 drops 2-3 times per day or as needed
in juice or water. Can increase dose to 4-5 times per
day in very acute situations for a few days.
1 fl oz, Prod Code: 57042
Valerian Root 1:2
Valerian Root 1:2
Valerian has been used as a sedative and anti-anxiety
treatment for more than 2,000 years. Valerian
extracts were widely used in the U.S. and Europe,
until replaced by prescription sedative drugs.
Who might benefit from this herbal supplements?
Valerian has a long history of use as a sedative and
sleep aid. Many consider Valerian to be the strongest
western herbal central nervous system sedative.
Valerian will quiet a busy mind. It can promote sleep
for those who cannot fall asleep and helps those who
wake up in the middle of the night. Repeat the doses
as needed within a night to facilitate sleep. The liquid
is significantly faster in action compared to a tablet or
capsule, which must be digested before it can be
absorbed, so liquids are preferred for fastest action. It
will help calm one down when going through difficult
emotional and mental times or when in therapy and in
turmoil. Taking Valerian during the day can make one
feel tired, sedated or a little out of it. Thus, caution is
advised. This can sometimes be controlled my altering
Phyto-Tech™ Liquid Herbal
Product Reference
Important Notice: The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health, and the proper use of dietary supplements. It is
not intended as a substitute for medical advice, nor a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you have a medical problem, you
should seek medical help. Products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease.
. . . continued on page 8