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The Willner Window Sale Flier Newsletter, July-Aug, 201
on cognitive function and memory and can also pro-
vide long-term support to help preserve future brain
Codonopsis is very similar to ginseng, but milder and
more neutral in energy. It increases stamina and alert-
ness and keeps the body and mind strong when under
Licorice works as a limbic (emotional) brain tonic
and tonifies the stress axis (hypothalamus, pituitary,
adrenal axis). Researchers have found a compound in
licorice known as carbenoxolone inhibits an enzyme in
the brain involved in making stress-related hormones
which have been associated with age related mental
Phyto-Tech™ Brain Bio Boost Complex cannot be
expected to work overnight and is best if used consis-
tently for at least 2 weeks. It can be continued as a
long-term tonic, especially in the elderly.
Dosage: 20-40 drops in juice or water, 2-3 times
daily or as needed
Cautions and Contrindications: While interaction
unlikely, those taking prescription blood thinners, or
MAO inhibitors should advise their physicians. Do not
take during pregnancy, if nursing, or preparing for sur-
gery. The amount of licorice in this formula is theorec-
tically too low to affect blood pressure, but those with
high blood pressure should monitor their BP as a pre-
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57071
Burdock Root
Burdock Root
Burdock root is a gentle liver and blood cleanser,
especially useful for toxic skin disorders. Recent
evidence supports its historic role in treating
diabetes. It is an ingredient in various popular
cancer remedies.
Who would benefit from this product? Those with
skin conditions such as eczema, acne, and psoriasis.
Historically, Burdock has been used to treat diabetes,
and it is a common ingredient of several popular can-
cer remedies (Essiac
and Hoxsey
). Burdock Root has
been widely recommended to diabetic patients by
healthcare professionals.
Burdock Root is considered safe. In Japan, burdock is
considered a “vegetable,” and consumed as such.
Phyto-Tech™ Burdock Root contains 667 mg certified
organic burdock root per 30 drops.
Dosage: 30-60 drops 2-3 times per day or as needed
in juice or water.
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57061
California Poppy 1:3
California Poppy 1:3
California poppy has been used as a sedative to
relieve insomnia and nervousness.
In an article by Abascal K, Yarnell E., Nervine herbs
for treating anxiety (Altern Compliment Ther. 2004
December:309-315.), the authors discussed California
poppy. They first pointed out that “anxiety disorders
are common in many Western countries, and conven-
tional drugs like benzodiazepines are often prescribed
to relieve anxiety. However, these drugs have worri-
some short-term and long-term side effects. Nervine
herbs (herbs that quiet nervous excitement) have a
long history of traditional use in relieving anxiety,
insomnia, and mild depression. With the exception of
St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), kava (Piper
methysticum), and valerian (Valeriana officinalis), there
is little published research on the safety and efficacy of
nervine herbs. The purpose of this article was to
review the available research and explain how the less-
er-known nervine herbs are commonly used in prac-
tice.” One of those “lesser-known nervine herbs” was
California poppy. They made the following observa-
tion: “California poppy (Eschscholzia californica) is
used for its mild analgesic and calming effects. Unlike
the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum), it has no nar-
cotic effects. Animal studies indicate California poppy
tea reduces anxiety, acts as a mild analgesic, and helps
prevent drug-induced memory loss. Most herbal prac-
titioners combine lower doses of California poppy with
other nervines to relieve anxiety. Researchers studied a
combination of California poppy, hawthorn flower
(Crataegus laevigata), and magnesium in 264 people
with mild to moderate anxiety. Those taking the herb
mixture had significantly improved anxiety symptoms
after three months compared to those taking placebo.
Hawthorn is primarily used for heart conditions and is
not usually considered a nervine. However, it may
help alleviate anxiety symptoms such as heart palpita-
tions and increased blood pressure. “
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57643
Calming Complex
Calming Complex
Child Friendly
This supplement, designed for children, exerts a
sedative and calming action appropriate for daytime
use. It can also be used at night to help induce
Who would benefit from this supplement? Children
who are hyperactive, anxious, obsessive compulsive,
ADHD or insomnia.
Phyto-Tech™ Child Friendly Calming Complex con-
tains the following herbs: Chamomile Flower, Valerian
Root, Hops Strobiles, Lobelia Herb, Vegetable
Glycerin, Pure Dionized Water.
Phyto-Tech™ Child Friendly Calming Complex can be
used during the day to help calm down an excitable
child. It can be used as a daily tonic or on an as need-
ed basis. It can also be used at night (10-30 minutes
before bed time) to help bring on sleep. Typically, it
will not make a child sleepy when used in the day-
time. It is a strong yet gentle central nervous system
and adrenaline calmer. It will help slow down a hyper-
active child to increase focus in the day. It can also be
used for situations that create anxiety and stress, rang-
ing from airline flights and car trips to difficult family
situations to performance anxiety.
Phyto-Tech™ Child Friendly Calming Complex will
also function as a mild analgesic, and take the edge off
muscle pain and tension. It will help spasms, cramp-
ing, colic pain and gas pain.
Dosage (by Weight):
10-30 lb. Use 10-20 drops; 31-60 lb. Use 20-40
drops; 61-100 lb. Use 40-60 drops; Over 100 lb. Use
60-90 drops. Administer 2-3 times per day or as need-
ed in juice or water. Direct dosing in the mouth is OK.
Cautions: If a child is taking a prescription sedative,
consult with the doctor, and take lower herbal doses.
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 56996
Candida Complex
Candida Complex
An Alterative Formula, with Anti-Fungal and Anti-
Infective Properties. Clinically developed specifically
for those with chronic candida and yeast infections.
Please Note: Chronic Candidiasis is not commonly
recognized as a medical condition by conventional
medicine; any diagnosis and/or treatment of this con-
dition should be supervised by a health professional.
This product is not intended to treat, cure or mitigate
James Duke, Ph.D., in his book The Green
Pharmacy, makes the following comment on Black
walnut (Juglans nigra.) “Kathi Keville, author of The
Illustrated Herb Encyclopedia and Herbs for Health
and Healing, a California Heralist whom I admire,
recounts one impressive study showeing that the fresh
husk of the black walnut destroyed candida better
than a commonly prescribed antifungal drug . . .”
“Recurrent or chronic infections, including chronic
candidiasis, are characterized by a depressed immune
system. A repetitive cycle makes it difficult to over-
come chronic candidiasis: a compromised immune
system leads to infection, and infection leads to dam-
age to the immune system, further weakining resist-
ance.” (Murray and Pizzorno, Encyclopedia of Natural
Enhanced immune system function may be the most
important component of treating this condition.
Each serving (30 drops) contains the following: Fresh
Black Walnut Hull 150 mg, Fresh Spilanthes Flower 75
mg, Usnea Lichen 67 mg, Pau D’Arco Bark 67 mg,
Oregon Grape Root 50 mg, Gentian Root 33 mg,
Fennel Seed 17 mg, Tea Tree Oil 3 mg, Oregano Oil 1
mg, Grain Alcohol, Deionized Water.
Dosage: Take 30 drops 3 times a day in water before
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57730
Cascara Sagrada
Cascara Sagrada
Cascara sagrada, obtained from the dried bark of
Rhamnus purshianus (Rhamnaceae), is traditionally
used as a laxative and detoxification agent.
Each capsule contains 420 mg of full-spectrum,
wildcrafted Cascara sagrada bark.
Who would benefit from the use of this herbal
preparation? Those suffering from occasional con-
stipation. Like any "stimulant" laxative, it is not
intended for long term or chronic use.
Dosage: Traditional dosage of the dried bark is
300 to 1000 mg taken at bedtime. This is equiva-
lent to one or two capsules. Start with one cap-
sule. The appropriate amount of cascara is the
smallest dose that is necessary to maintain soft
90 Veggie Caps - Prod Code: 60124
Cayenne 1:5
Cayenne 1:5
Cayenne is a spice derived from various species
of Capsicum. As such, it adds color, pungency
and aroma to foods consumed throughout the
1 fl oz - Prod Code: 57054
Chamomile Flowers
Chamomile Flowers
Chamomile is traditionally used for its mild relaxing
effect. It calms, sooths and supports the nervous
Who would benefit from this supplement? Those
with stress, anxiety, stomach upset due to nervousness,
and mild insomnia.
Phyto-Tech™ Chamomile Flower is traditionally used
as a mild relaxing herb for mild insomnia, anxiousness
and stomach upset from nervousness. It is a gentle
sedative to the central nervous system and can calm
one down. It is best when one wants a gentle relaxing
herb to gently help them to sleep or to simply relax
during the day. It will not make one sleepy like
Valerian can, nor will it reduce pain as well as skullcap.
It is suitable for children, those who are very sensitive
to sedatives and for the elderly. It is especially sooth-
ing in a warm cup of water at bedtime.
Phyto-Tech™ Liquid Herbal
Product Reference
. . . continued on page 5